mklabels - Create a PostScript file for printing labels

USAGE: mklabels [OPTIONS] [FILE ...]

mklabels creates a PostScript file on STDOUT, which can be redirected to a file or your printer. The PostScript is clean and easily editable.

It reads a file (or files, or STDIN if no file is given) with labels 1 to a line. Fields, which will be printed 1 to a line, should be separated by tabs (configurable).

The default is for 2 columns of 5 rows (adjust cols and rows), with a label size of 3.5 by 2 inches.

All the configurable parameters may be adjusted at the top of the script or by command-line options.

To print a grid to help with alignment, use the -G option.

-P N.N- height of page in inches
-c N- number of labels across page (2)
-r N- number of labels top to bottom (5)
-F FONT- font family
-S SIZE- font size in points
-m N.N- inches from left edge of label
-M N.N- inches from top edge of label
-l N.N- inches from left of page to left edge of label (.75)
-t N.N- inches from top of page to top of label (.25)
-x N.N- label width, in inches
-y N.N- label height, in inches
-L LEADING- space between lines as percentage of font size (15)
-i N.N- indent lines; indent=0 to turn off; increase to taste
-f C- use character C as field separator (" ")
-g- print alignment grid with labels
-G- print alignment grid only
-h, --help- help: print this message
-H, --help_long- more help
-v- verbose:
-V, --version- print version information

Copyright 2002,2003, Chris F.A. Johnson

The script: mklabels